Continuous Marketing Strategies Podcast
The main aim of this podcast is to provide insights that can help you implement high-impact business-to-business — often abbreviated as B2B — marketing activities, processes and reporting with a focus on achieving increased revenue.
There will also be some episodes focussed on general topics of interest to B2B marketers such as career development, lifelong learning and the power of giving back. Episodes will vary in style from monologues to Q&A sessions to one-to-one conversations to roundtables and so on.
However, the aim of these episodes will always be to provide valuable insights that can be applied to help improve your overall B2B marketing strategy and personal development as a B2B marketer.
Audio Episodes Are Also on Various Podcast Platforms
Video Episodes and Extracts Are on LinkedIn and YouTube
Do You Have Any B2B Marketing Questions or Topic Suggestions That You Would Like To Be Answered or Featured on the Podcast?
We would please like to receive questions from you — that we will try to answer on this podcast — about any B2B marketing problems that you’ve experienced or are experiencing. We would also appreciate any B2B marketing topic suggestions that you would like to be featured on the podcast. You can submit these questions and topic suggestions using the form below.
All questions and topic suggestions will be treated as anonymous. Therefore, please do not submit any personally identifiable information (this will be deleted if submitted).